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FOOD & DRINK ANSWERS         Back To Food & Drink Questions

(*1 - denotes that there is a note at the foot of the page with extra information)
  1. Tea
  2. Cosmopolitan
  3. Carbon Dioxide *1
  4. Custard
  5. Chalky
  6. Pig's Trotters
  7. Houses Of Parliament
  8. Pomegranate
  9. Lentils or split peas
  10. Norway
  11. Lion
  12. Strawberries
  13. Pimms
  14. Waldorf
  15. Yemen
  16. Garibaldi
  17. 8 (6 litres)
  18. Cheese
  19. Haddock
  20. Julienne
  21. Foie Gras
  22. Tiramisu
  23. Darjeeling
  24. Tzatziki
  25. Cheese
  26. Drambuie
  27. Gnocchi
  28. Breadfruit
  29. Chickpeas
  30. Olives
  31. Fish sauce
  32. Australia
  33. Saffron
  34. Courgette
  35. Potatoes
  36. A bun or a teacake
  37. Pavlova *2
  38. Earl Grey
  39. Gin
  40. Steak
  41. Blackberry and Raspberry
  42. A plum
  43. Fish
  44. The heat of chillies
  45. (Ben & Jerry's) Ice-cream
  46. Greece
  47. Chianti
  48. A bakery
  49. Cheese
  50. Stella Artois
  51. Apple
  52. Margherita
  53. Hovis *3
  54. Mexico
  55. Vindaloo *4
  56. A Bat
*1 - "e;Swiss Cheese" as it's called that is made outside of Switzerland, not to be confused with cheese made in Switzerland
*2 - After Anna Pavlova
  • *3 - from Hominis Vis
  • *4 from 'vin' meaning wine and 'darlo' (though there are many spellings) meaning garlic.

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