POT LUCK (*1 - denotes that there is a note at the foot of the page with extra information)Hide answers
On a standard London Monopoly board, which 2 colours feature on the the properties either side of Free Parking?Orange (Vine Street) and red (The Strand)
Which way did Queen Elizabeth II look on a UK postage stamp?To The Left
What is the only piece on a chess board that cannot be removed?King *1
What measurement is a 1000th of a millimetre?A Micron (or micrometre)
What type of machine did Japanese musician Daisuke Inoue invent in 1971, without ever applying for a patent?Karaoke machine
Where can the statuette called "The Spirit Of Ecstacy" be seen?On the bonnet of a Rolls Royce
In the nursery rhyme, which bells owed 5 farthings?St. Martins
What surname links the actor William, the footballer Jermaine and the author Daniel?Defoe
What does an anemometer record?Wind speed
In which British national newspaper does the Fred Bassett cartoon strip appear?Daily Mail
If it is midnight in Moscow, what time is it in London (GMT)?9pm (3 hours ahead)
What name connects a chemical element, whose symbol is Hg, a planet, a Roman god, an award in the music industry & the man born Farrokh Bulsara?Mercury
A Philargyrist is a person who loves what?Money
As in the name of the diamond, what does Koh-I-Noor mean?Mountain Of Light
In what decade was the Aga cooker invented?1920s *2
In the name of the RMT, the transport union which formed in 1990, for what does the M stand?Maritime
What does the Latin phrase 'Quo Vadis' mean?Where are you going?
Which word represents Z in the NATO Phonetic alphabet?Zulu
First published in 1785 as The Daily Universal Register, what is Britain's oldest current daily newspaper?The Times
What does a numismatist collect?Coins
What does the Latin word Verbatum mean?Word for word
As from 1st October 2014, what were British motor drivers not legally required to do?Display their tax disc
Traditionally, which of these wedding anniversaries would you celebrate first : Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire?Ruby *3
What is the only number which when written has it's letters in alphabetical order?Forty
Which letter in Scrabble is worth 5 points in the English version; 3 in Afrikaans, Dutch and Danish; 1 in Czech, Estonian and Hungarian; 10 in French; 2 in Polish and Swedish and doesn't exist in the Welsh version?K
In Greek mythology, The Pleiades were the daughters of which Titan?Atlas *4
What would an anthropophagist eat?Humans
According to the Oxforddictionaries.com website, what is the collective term for a group of moles?Labour *5
Which sport features in the NATO phonetic alphabet?Golf
In 2017, Twitter increased it's maximum number of characters that can be used in a single tweet from 140 to what number?280
*1 - When the King is captured the game is over.
*2 - 1922
*3 - Ruby : 40th , Sapphire : 45th , Emerald : 55th
*4 - Their mother was the sea-nymph Pleione
*5 - From oxforddictionaries.com. Other less reliable websites list others.