
  1. Which English (ceremonial) county has the shortest name?Kent (*1)
  2. If listed alphabetically, which US state would be listed last? Wyoming
  3. After London, what is the most populous capital city in the UK?Edinburgh (*2)
  4. Aside from it having two extra colours, what symbol differentiates the flag of South Sudan to that of Sudan?A (yellow) star
  5. Which 5 modern-day counties lie on the South Coast of mainland England between Cornwall and Kent?Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, West Sussex, East Sussex (*3)
  6. Which country's flag is inscribed with it's national motto which translates as "Order And Progress"?Brazil
  7. At 180 metres tall, by what name is 30 St. Mary Axe in London better known?The Gherkin
  8. Following on from a campaign to declare their independence on the 2011, it was announced in April 2014 that which county would be declared a national minority?Cornwall
  9. Which 2 items does the Statue Of Justice hold in her hands?Scales (left) and sword (right)
  10. Sevenoaks, Sheerness and Swanley are towns in which English county?Kent
  11. Which constellation features on the flags of both Australia and New Zealand?Southern Cross
  12. How is the island of Rapa Nui more commonly known to English speakers?Easter Island
  13. Name the 4 English counties that border mainland Wales?Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Cheshire
  14. What is the official language of Ghana?English (*4)
  15. By what name is East Pakistan now known?Bangladesh (since 1971)
  16. Fray Bentos is a port in which South American country?Uruguay (*5)
  17. Dakar is the capital of which African country?Senegal
  18. What is the only vowel that does not begin the name of a US state?E
  19. The Wash is a body of water that lies between which 2 English counties?Norfolk and Lincolnshire
  20. By what name is Gravelly Hill Interchange more commonly known?Spaghetti Junction
  21. The M48 motorway passes over which major British river?The Severn (*6)
  22. Lesotho is a country which is completely surrounded by which other country?South Africa
  23. The Rio Grande river forms a large part of the border between which two countries?USA & Mexico
  24. In which Ocean are The Seychelles?Indian Ocean
  25. What is the name of the fishy-sounding peninsula in Massachsetts, which when viewed from the sky looks like a flexed arm?Cape Cod
  26. What was the name of the mythical city of gold which shares it's name with an 1849 Edgar Allen Poe poem and a short-lived BBC soap from the early 1990's?El Dorado
  27. Which East African country uses the Birr as it's main currency?Ethiopia
  28. Cape Horn is the name of the most southern point of which continent?South America

*1 - Not including administrative and unitary counties (for example Hull). Hence, Avon is no longer a county.
*2 - Edinburgh : 495,360 ; Cardiff : 324,800 & (The City Of) Belfast 286,000 (The Belfast Urban area totals 579,276)
*3 - Sussex itself was split in the 1800's & Wessex hasn't existed as a county since the 10th Century
*4 - Although there are 9 other Government-sponsored languages
*5 - Commonly believed to be in Argentina, it border's Argentina but is actually in Uruguay
*6 - The M48 is basically the old Severn Bridge Crossing and used to be part of the M4 but was renamed when the Second Severn crossing opened in 1996. It also passes over the River Wye but this cannot be classed as a 'major' British river.